
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Eating Disorder Story.

I think I can confidently say that most of the female population if not all in the world have suffered from an eating disorder at one point in their life even if it didn't escalate much to become 'serious' or 'dangerous'. I've gone through an eating disorder and I know someone in my family that did too. And It's all because women are always either too fat or too skinny according to the beauty standards we see on the T.V., in magazines or on the internet Which are extremely and utterly unrealistic might I add. So, in this blog post I decided to talk about my eating disorder story. I can't really say that I was anorexic because I wasn't but I was definitely on the way to be. It started with me going to the gym and eating healthy because I really wanted to get a flat belly so, after a while of following the instructor's diet advice and not losing any weight I decided to take matters into my own hands and stop eating carbs, I don't really rememb...

Chicken Burgers!!

Hey, I know I haven't been around in a while but I was in Turkey but I'll talk about that in another blog post anyhow today I have an amazing recipe that I've tried two days ago and I absolutely love it and it's the Chicken Burgers. I know that every single person probably heard of the 'healthy' turkey burgers or the 'unhealthy' beef burgers. Okay. First I wanna say that this is a load of bull. There's no such a thing as that, beef is not unhealthy and turkey is not healthy it's all about the way you cook them and yeah maybe turkey is healthier than beef but that doesn't mean that beef is unhealthy. With that being said, Here's the Chicken Burgers recipe I was talking about :) The Ingredients: ~2 seasoned chicken breasts. ~1 small bell pepper. ~1 small onion. ~Cilantro. (Adjust to taste.) ~Salt and pepper. (Adjust to taste.) Instructions: -Blend your ingredients together using a food processor till they reach a smooth c...